Field for Sale in Los Molles de Garzon, Rocha
USD 500.000
Surface Area
5 ha 5000 m²
Very nice field located in Los Molles de Garzon, 10 km from the town. It has access via a local road up to the entrance. The perimeter fence is in very good condition, new. It has 2 ponds, permanent water, a stream on one side, and Los Molles creek at the back. Additionally, there is a spring fitted with cement rings and a lid with an underground connection to a 1200-liter reservoir tank. Cattle pen, cattle chute, and loading dock, divided into 3 paddocks by electric fencing. It boasts a beautiful native forest with coronilla trees, pindo palms, etc. With a maximum height of 160 meters and a minimum of approximately 70 meters. Good view, very open, you can see the town of Garzon and the distant horizon. Cerro Aspero de Rocha is also visible. It is suitable for cattle, blueberry crops, olive vines, and wind energy.
Details & Amenities
USD 500.000
Soil report
Coneat groups
Grupo 3.2 - 100.00%
Coneat index 39
Comprende las llanuras bajas inundables (varios meses del año), con mesorrelieve fuerte que bordean las principales vías de drenaje. Los suelos son de origen aluvial, y se clasifican como Fluvisoles Heterotexturales Melánicos, de texturas arenosas y francas (Suelos Aluviales). Asociados a estos se encuentran Gleysoles Lúvicos Melánicos/Ócricos de textura limo arcillosa (Gley húmicos diferenciados). El material geológico está constituido por sedimentos modernos de texturas variables, predominantemente arenosas. La vegetación natural es de selva fluvial típica. Este grupo corresponde a la unidad Cebollatí de la carta a escala 1:1.00.000 (D.S.F.). Indice de Productividad 39.